I get sick all the time and people says I need my Tonsils out but daddy keeps fighting about it. What do I do?
2005-12-31 11:49:50 UTC
So Can you guys help me and give me advice?
Four answers:
2005-12-31 12:04:13 UTC
As a registered nurse, I will say that it does depend on what exactly is wrong with you. I do like the advice of taking your father with you to see the doctor. Maybe it is your tonsils, maybe not. Take your dad with you and go see a doctor. Depending on your insurance you should go see your general practice doctor first then a specialist (ENT doctor).
2006-01-01 00:50:17 UTC
Why is your dad fighting it? Maybe he knows that your tonsils are the organism that helps your body fight infections. Taking your tonsils isn't always the answer. How is your immune system? Have your had any vaccines? When you say that you get sick all the time, exactly what are you referring too? Are you talking about colds, or the flu? There may be something else. A friend of mine was sick all the time, she always had something. Come to find out she had something known as candida. The doctors today know about such things. Maybe the next time you see your doctor ask about candida. See what he says.
2005-12-31 19:53:01 UTC
Have you taken your father to see the doctor with you? My sister used to get pretty sick because she needed to get hers removed. She also stopped snoring! But ask your father to go with you to see your dr. good luck!
2005-12-31 19:51:22 UTC
keep your tonsils.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.