Positive TB Test?
2008-04-08 09:15:06 UTC
I tested positive for the skin TB test. I have a chest x-ray scheduled for tomorrow. I'm freaking out. I'm supposed to start student teaching in the fall. Also, what does anyone think about the 9 month long antibiotic? How often do people actually get the TB disease. Ahhh I feel so uninformed:(
Four answers:
2008-04-08 09:33:45 UTC
I don't know where you live or what your exposure has been to tell you anything about the skin test.

A chest xray will tell you if you have the disease and if you do you are contagious. But if start treatment for active disease, you should be fine to start teaching in the fall. (do you have symptoms such as weight loss, cough, night sweats).

If you don't have the disease, the skin test may be indicative of infection, which you should treat with the 9 month course of antibiotics (isoniazid) to prevent actually getting the disease in the future. Its important to take it for 9 months because the TB bacteria is a tough one to kill.

TB isn't that common in the US, but its here. if you are infected your risk of getting the disease is about 30% in your lifetime, but it also depends on other risk factors.

The dr should inform you of your options once the chest xray results come back and he/she knows your exact situation first. But don't worry, there is treatment if you have the disease.

E-mail if you want more info
2008-04-08 09:23:41 UTC
It's nothing to freak out about, a lot of people get positive TB tests (it doesn't even mean you necessarily are positive, you need a blood test to be sure). I have a friend that this happened to last year, and she decided to take the antibiotic.
Walter M- Barbara
2008-04-08 09:22:33 UTC
My husband tests positive every time they test him! He is a

carrier but does not have the disease. Every so many years they do a xray on him!! Don't panic yet, wait until all the results are in!!! TB today is a rare one to have !! It has reduced like polio has!!! Go with the flow before you write yourself off!!!!
2008-04-08 09:20:45 UTC
the cxr will tell you, i am a nurse and there are people who test positive and are not infected. do you signs or symptoms like night sweats, chronic cough fever?

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