You do not state your actual fitness. 6'5" 295 pounds is a BMI of 35.0 and not 30.
Stand tall out of the shower without clothes and pinch at your sides at belly height. Over 1 inch is overweight.
Although you could be muscular and large boned, if anywhere around average structure, you need to eat fewer Calories and increase vegetables and decrease fats and empty carbs and fried foods.
That aside, Wearing masks, keeping clean, trying to keep distance especially in any large group, does state that not only does it reduce chances of infection, it also reduces the chance of serious illness. What we have is a pandemic out of control because of bad leadership and people refusing to take basic steps to not spread it. If wearing cloth reusable masks, be sure to wash them daily so have many extras.
Statistically, your odds are less than 1% of getting seriously ill.
Adjust your eating habits if not muscular and consider what you are eating and drinking. Cut back on sweet and salt. Even artificial zero cal tends to cause weight gain. Find flavored seltzers with no sweeteners at all like La Croix or similar if you like carbonation. If its beer and alcohol, cut back on drinking.
Make sure you get vitamins daily. Keep away from unmasked people if possible. If you and your partner don't contact many people, things should be OK.
This is a special time. We'd like to get back to normal if people would all just follow the rules. It is suggested you get a seasonal flu shot. If you get the seasonal flu, you do enter at at risk for COVID-19.
1/3 of people are not taking this serious enough and 1/3 are over-worried. There is even a chance you already have contracted it without symptoms and are immune now, at least for a while. It's 5 to 10 times more serious than a seasonal flu, but isn't highly deadly to generally healthy people eating right.