What's good remedy for a chest cold?
2006-01-10 14:52:47 UTC
What's good remedy for a chest cold?
Six answers:
Lucky Me
2006-01-10 15:03:38 UTC
REST, fluids, vicks, a vaporizor w/ vicks in it, fluids, rest and did I mention fluids?

Another thing I love using when I get sick is garlic. I take a garlic clove and slice it into pill size slivers and swallow like a pill. That backed up w/ Vitamin C and zinc and you should be back on your feet in no time. The garlic kills the virus and the vitamin c and zinc boost your immunities.
2006-01-11 06:54:52 UTC
I'm a physician assistant and have some answers to your question. First off, to start from the beginning, a cold is a virus and CANNOT be cured with antibiotics. Unfortunately, you can only treat the symptoms and hope that it goes away soon. The average viral cold, gets better throughout the day and then gets worse at night.

SO, things you can do:

A MYTH - Echinacea has NEVER been proven in any study to treat any kind of symptom or prevent any sickness.

Things that do help:

1. Fluids to prevent dehydration

2. Food as tolerated, but fluids are more important.

3. Tylenol or Motrin if you have a fever.

4. Careful with Vitamin C - you CAN get too much. it's not a cure anyways, so a multi-vitamin that you take on a normal day is more than enough.

2006-01-10 16:29:33 UTC
This sounds funny but good old fashion Vicks rubbed on the chest works. I also find that taking an old pot and boiling water with Vicks in it works. I know because I always had chest colds when I was a kid. A very warm shower also works. Just inhale the steam and it helps. Hope you feel better.
2006-01-10 15:00:30 UTC
Whenever I feel the first hint of a cold, doing this prevents it from getting worse:

1) 500-1,000 milligrams of Vitamin C, three times per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

2) 500 milligrams of Echinacea three times per day

3) Drink LOTS of water

4) When extra protection is desired, try Airborne

If you already have a cold, I've found that steaming my nostrils over a boiling pot of water with eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil in it clears my sinuses fast. Be careful not to scald your nose, though...steam can be extremely hot and burns the inside of the nose easily...experiment with differen temperature water.
Gallons of Bleach
2006-01-10 14:58:26 UTC
Thera Flu Is awesome!

It is tea that you can pickup at any grocery store!
2006-01-10 19:10:04 UTC

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