is smoking cool?
2007-10-02 05:28:19 UTC
MY mate wont smoke because he said it is naughty is it?
or is it cool
61 answers:
rafena 1979
2007-10-02 05:41:29 UTC
I used to think it was cool when I was a heavy smoker but since I gave up over a year ago I realise that it is not cool.

You smell, your fingers have a yellow tinge, and you can no longer have a good night out because you are constantly leaving the pub or club just to light up.

Not smoking is definitely cooler.
2007-10-02 05:34:17 UTC
Firstly it is'nt cool any more I thoutht once and now im hooked and depending on his age if he is under legaly age to buy smokes of course it is naughty as he will get caught my advice is don't encourage your mate to smoke as it is a hard hapit to break and secondly advice him on the dangers of smoking to sometimes the scare tatic can work but if your other mates are smoking then of course he will want to do it
2007-10-02 17:47:15 UTC
If struggling to breath is cool

If getting lung cancer is cool

If having yellow teeth and bad breath is cool

If having a vascular disease is cool

If getting emphysema is cool

If dying years before you should is cool

Then yes it's cool...but then when you think about it, being really cool is not to have any of the above and having the sense not to smoke.

For free info on smoking, click the link below
2007-10-02 05:33:44 UTC
No smoking is not cool ,it is the hardest thing to give up and the health problems it can cause is not worth it .Respect your mates choice not to smoke .I smoked 50-60 a day for 20yrs and i gave up for the last 2.5 yrs.So i am not a anti smoking nut .but admit i wish i had never started
2007-10-02 05:33:03 UTC
Sure it's Cool ! Keep it up long enough, and your Body Temperature will drop right down to Freezing, because you will be in the Morgue ! Can't get much Cooler than that !
2007-10-02 05:34:27 UTC
Some people think its cool. They like to show off in front of people. I don't think smoking is cool. It causes cancer or a heart disease and you won't have a healthy liver. You won't be able to live long. Be healthy like not smoke. Its better for everyone.
2007-10-02 17:42:22 UTC
Of course it is not of what are you thinking?

Smoke is something just too bad you can get cancer,respiratory problems and many more things so dont even try it because its an addiction I`ve not try it and I wont ever will.
2007-10-02 05:34:05 UTC
Get a life!!!

Sorry to be so blunt, but it stinks, it stinks and yes it stinks. Yellow fingers, yellow teeth and lung cancer, tongue cancer etc.. is not my idea of cool. Anyway why would you want to smoke the government are fazing it out as best they can, you'll end up out in the pissing rain and wind trying to light up, sound good??? Don't think so!

Your friend is right not to smoke, take a leaf out of his book!
2007-10-02 06:29:56 UTC
Is it cool filling your lungs with 200+ chemicals that include anti oxidants, burnt alkaloids, tar, carbon dioxide, smoke and such, leave alone loss of oxygen when you need it most (like when you are walking, or immediately after sex?). I don't think so.
2007-10-02 05:36:13 UTC
I used to smoke but I have always believed smoking makes a person look weak and trashy.
michael o47
2007-10-02 05:35:46 UTC
Smoking is the most disgusting anti social habit of all time. also it causes so many illnesses to the smoker so the answer to your question is no smoking is far from cool.
2007-10-02 10:29:46 UTC
Yeah, all the cool kids smoke!
Jazzy, I Miss U Love!
2007-10-02 05:30:26 UTC
Not really cool, nor naughty. It's a choice.
Annie M
2007-10-02 05:37:49 UTC
If you think to poison your body, stain your teeth, age your skin and smell is cool then smoke!
2007-10-02 05:50:09 UTC
depends on you really. i started to smoke when i was 11years old and i thought it was cool to smoke then but i realized that it makes you loose money. It's your choice
2007-10-02 05:42:10 UTC
smoking its stupid

when u smoke u r burning money,catching cancer,making your breath and your clothe smell so u tell us how cool that could be
a beautiful lie
2007-10-02 05:36:48 UTC
it has health risks like cancers and heart disease, its not cool to go with what everyone else does and its not cool when you have yellow fingers spend about £4000 a year on cigarettes!!
2007-10-02 05:31:40 UTC
Smoking is not cool, It stupid & if you want to end up with lung cancer or throat cancer then thats the thing to start doing!!

Not smoking is much cooler, Ur not the one who stinks of smoke or has bad breathe or has no money (b coz your buying ciggys)
2007-10-02 05:34:59 UTC
it's not cool at all. to discover the effects it has on the body and mind, you know that though it may seem cool, it actually is as hot as the flames used in lighting it. never the less, the choice is always in the hand of the smoker. he decides whether to him, it is cool or not.
Mary B
2007-10-02 05:37:40 UTC
It is soooo cool that you cough till you choke and smell awful and as you get old the oxygen tank you have to carry is cool too. and I hope you sarcasm.
Jazz Mc
2007-10-02 05:52:36 UTC
I smoke and don't think it is cool but it is expensive and very hard to give up, they say its easier to give up heroin than it is to give up cigarettes.
2007-10-02 05:35:59 UTC
smoking is not cool
2007-10-02 05:31:05 UTC
Its not cool its gross people you smoke always stink and have bad teeth and health
2007-10-02 05:32:13 UTC
Smoking stinks and is harmful to the people that don't even smoke
2007-10-02 05:31:33 UTC
WooW Anyoone who smokes is cool as F*ck!!

but if you smoke a pipe you should be a Don
2007-10-02 17:31:44 UTC
smoking causes lung cancer and there is so many chemicals in smoke they put embalming fluid in the cigs they also put that stuff in you when you die so if you smoke your killing yourself slowly no it is not cool
2007-10-02 05:37:28 UTC
no itrs not cool, its a bad idea to start, its bad for your health and its horrible, it gives you bad teeth, it makes you stink, and it does alsorts to your insides too!

i am a smoker and when my colleague goes for a cigarette, whaen she comes bak, i cant stand the smell, its nasty. it has made me try to wuit because of how bad she smells. i dont want to smell like that!!
2007-10-02 05:32:56 UTC
No its not cool but you must have already figured that out or else you wouldn't have asked this question in respiratory diseases.
2007-10-02 05:36:55 UTC
Ask the Marlboro Man, oh wait. Pray to the Marlboro man that is to get a opinion
2007-10-02 05:31:56 UTC
Not cool at all, and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to persuade him to. It's costly, bad for your health and makes you smell bad.... what's cool about that.
2007-10-02 05:31:38 UTC
Not cool
Barbie V
2007-10-02 05:42:12 UTC
your mate is wise - its not cool at all - wish someone would convince my son
2007-10-02 05:31:28 UTC
are you the same guy who asked what masturbating was? are you stupid. smoking used to be cool in like the 50s, until they figured out it freaking kills you. jeez, where do you live and did you grow up in a closet?
2007-10-02 05:32:17 UTC
Its not cool. Its bad for you
2007-10-02 09:12:50 UTC
Goalie 43 you beat me to it well done go to be best answer
2007-10-02 05:39:21 UTC
its not cool. its dangerous and expensive too. its hard to stop once u have started too. its so bad for your health.
2007-10-02 05:30:41 UTC
Read the back of the cigarette box--it says it's "naughty" right on the label.
Ricky H
2007-10-02 05:37:36 UTC
it may be cool to some until they find out they have cancer
nicola b
2007-10-02 05:38:56 UTC
you sound like your under 10 years old with a question like that..... so yeah spark them up and everyone will wanna be in your gang.
Max Power says relax
2007-10-02 05:34:48 UTC
the Marlboro man thought it was until he died of lung cancer. Not so cool now. More stone cold.
Teresa S
2007-10-02 05:30:48 UTC
So not cool! He is the smart one.
2007-10-02 05:31:21 UTC
it depends on who you are and if you think it is or isnt.

if you feel that it is that cool, and no thats cool too.
2007-10-02 05:35:30 UTC
No, it's horrid.
2007-10-03 03:09:45 UTC
and i thought it was hot, tats why it burns through lungs and skin or throat
2007-10-02 05:32:59 UTC
2007-10-02 05:30:11 UTC
It's not cool it stinks.
2007-10-02 05:31:16 UTC
!!it's NOT COOL because people die because of smoking!!
2007-10-02 05:30:49 UTC
As cool as Cancer.
2007-10-02 06:18:18 UTC
nope unless you say killing your lungs is a cool thing..... i mean not just lung of yours......
big dave
2007-10-02 05:30:10 UTC
its cooler not to smoke
2007-10-02 05:33:22 UTC
Of course not!!! It can damage your respiratory system.
2007-10-02 05:30:13 UTC
2007-10-02 05:30:56 UTC
depends if you're a smoker.... in my opinion it's not cool - but it makes me feel good.
2007-10-02 05:30:12 UTC
Depends on what you smoke ;)
2007-10-02 05:38:39 UTC
looks stupid and makes you smell......... not really that cool is it.
william l
2007-10-02 05:30:28 UTC
its bad for ur health
the rocket
2007-10-02 05:31:54 UTC
when i was younger i thought it was.but its adumb thing to do.
2007-10-02 05:30:42 UTC
no its not cool,its smelly
2007-10-02 05:31:00 UTC
its well cool i do it and now im cool
sean m
2007-10-02 05:30:43 UTC
no not really
2007-10-02 05:31:10 UTC
no...not at all

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