2010-09-07 16:21:58 UTC
*it felt like a combination of choking or about to throwup, more of a choking feeling.
*i basically ran off the field because it was that bad
*once i got off i couldn't breathe, AT ALL, like it i knew that air was going in but it seemed like there was a hole in my throat or something and the air was escaping before it got to my lungs
*i started crying because i have to admit it was scary and by then my coach knew something was wrong and then she started kinda panicing because she said it honestly sounded like i was having a really bad asthma attack
*i have had an inhaler in the past because when my allergies get bad i needed it, but i haven't needed it since lie 5th grade (am now in 9th). i know everyone gets winded after sprinting but this wasn't winded it was more like choking on air.
Do you think it is asthma? or just the really bad allergies again? Should i look into getting an inhaler again? It was really scary and it took a good 20 minutes to finally be able to breathe somewhat normal. Oh yeah i don't know why but even now (like almost 1 hour 30 minutes later) i still am having trouble catching my breathe and am breathing very heavy.
PLEASE HELP!!! it is really scary and i don't want to have to experience that again.