I am going to try asking this question one more time. Does anyone know the cause of a.m. headaches?
2007-07-22 20:24:15 UTC
For the past nine months I have had a migraine type headache every single morning when I wake up. I have had blood work done. I have had two CT scans done, with & w/o contrast.
I do have COPD. I am on oxygen 24/7.
Every test has come back negative. Nothing has changed as far as medication or life style. I have researched everything I can think of to no avail. The doctors have no idea either. I go to an internist & a pulmonary doctor on a regular basis.

I even bought a new smoke/carbon monoxide detector.

ANY IDEAS??? I am getting desparate. The pain is killing me. Some times pain pills help & some times they don't. My doctor doesn't want me to get hooked on Vicodin for pain. I don't either so I don't take it. After I am out of bed it starts to subside. It takes about an hour for it to completly go away without taking any kind of pain killer.

I am posting this in respiratory category because of my COPD & oxygen.
Sixteen answers:
2007-07-22 20:34:46 UTC
I'm also on oxygen 24/7 and use a CPAP machine at night for my sleep apnea. I had started waking up with bad headaches that would go away after I had been up for a while. Couldn't figure it out. My pulmonary doc said I was either getting too much oxygen or not enough oxygen. They did a sleep study on me and found that I was not getting near enough oxygen during the night. In fact it dropped to the 50's at one time and they nearly rushed me off to intensive care. Being on the CPAP machine is the best thing I ever did. It takes about a week to get used to it, but then you should sleep like a baby.

I hope with all my heart that this information will help you some. I have COPD, too. It's the pits, but thank goodness we are able to get out and about with portable oxygen. I am now on 4 lpm and require a larger tank than these lucky folks I see who have their tank strapped to their belt, but I'm glad I'm not stuck in the hospital... yet :) Hang in there and good luck!!
2007-07-23 09:23:35 UTC
I think nanny is on the right track. Have you had a sleep test to see whats going on. It also may be you need a good massage and your head pulled out of your neck. Massage therapy is a great thing for copd patience. It relaxes them and also gets your blood flowing where there are knots built up from the daily stress of having the disease. I hope you get an answer soon this is a really bad way to start your day. Try the test first or have some one massage you head and neck before you get up in the morning. See what happens you never know till you try.God Bless and my prayers are with you.

Since the doctors have ruled out a sleeping problem, you drink lots of fluids and you eat healthy. Maybe it is the caffeine. Try to drink a cup of tea or coffee early in the am then go back to sleep and see if you wake up with out the head pain. It seems you get up and moving your headache gets better so I would take it that you feel better after the coffee. If this doesn't work I would go back to the massage. Massage's and just physical touch of another can do wonders for a person. It doesn't just help with relaxing the muscles and blood flow it also helps the mind. Massage also has been known to help with mild depression. You might try it. If it helps it will have been worth it.
2007-07-22 20:35:51 UTC
I am in the same place you are medically. I use Allegra D every day. If I forget to take it or run out, I get a bad head ache. I have C. O. P. D. and am on oxygen also. I also take Spireva and Advair daily. I use albuteral if I will be real active too. I did use Claritin D but with so many misusing it, it was hard to get even in generic, so my doctor prescribed the Allegra D. You should try this it may help you too. I hate headaches, so I do hope this helps you as it does me. Regular Allegra or Claritn doesn't help me it has to be the "D" or decongestant kind.

I have to add, you do not need a prescription for this unless you want a full months supply. Pharmacy's can only sell two packages a month, to any one customer with out a prescription. This is the law because of the misuse, as I mentioned earlier.
2007-07-22 20:30:22 UTC
I would assume that they've checked for blood sugar problems?? That's why I get them. I don't eat anything after 7pm and if I go to bed without having a protien snack I wake up in the morning hurting.

The other thing you might try to do is sleep with your head slightly elevated... you may be having some trouble getting enough O2 to your brain. The opposite may be true also... you may be getting too much... how many liters are you on? Do you feel like it's enough? How is your respiratory drive? I would try an experiement. Wake yourself up and check your O2 sats every 2 hours... use an alarm clock and get a meter put it right next to your bed. That way you'll know if you're getting enough O2. If that's not the problem you can also get a glucose meter from a drugs store for under $25.

Other than that.... have you tried a humidifier?

Good Luck!
2007-07-22 20:30:13 UTC
The only thing I can think of would be your support system while you are sleeping. Are your neck and back being supported so your head is above your feet? Try that...try elevating your head so the blood stays in your lower extremities. Although migraines are caused by narrowing arteries and blood vessels, has your MD tried you on different meds?

I don't know hon, but I would talk with your MD and tell him what's going on if you haven't already done so. Migraines are a pain in the butt. I usually have a headache every morning, but not a migraine. Mine is from lack of sleep, though.

I feel for you and advise you to talk with your MD about changing meds or something. Good luck!
blooming chamomile
2007-07-22 20:33:37 UTC
I wake up with a headache every moring. Nothing near migraine status though. For me, it's because of two things. One, caffeine addiction. I have to get some caffeine in me and the headache goes away. It doesn't sound like that applies to you though. You would probably be aware if that was your issue.

Second, mine are because of neck/spinal problems. Specifically, prior surgery and a current herniated disc. Tension in my neck, shoulder and head muscles also contribute a lot.

I'm so sorry you're going through this pain. I'm sure that I have no better ideas than what your doctors might have. Best wishes and I hope you get it resolved soon.
2007-07-27 12:03:44 UTC
I get headaches in the morning, afternoon and evening. I usually take 2 ibuprofen and a sudafed. It is usually a tension headache, sleeping wrong, grinding teeth, or sinus pressure, or even an allergy to something. Also coffee, or any other caffeinated drink that you are used to drinking and then don't drink, you could get a headache, some people call it bring addicted to coffee. I started going to a chiropractor, it helped, I have a vertebrae out of place. But I suffered and still do suffer from very frequent mild to severe headaches on a daily basis.
2007-07-22 20:31:35 UTC
Have you tried a Saline Nasal Mist? I am not being sarcastic. I've had nasal allergies all my life and my migraines are caused from this.

There is nothing worst than Migraine pain. If you can go to a Chiropractor and get your adjustment done, they can help you with your sublixation. Ask about this or look it up on the net for sublixation. Sublixation is caused by a blocked nerve to your spine, which triggers a response to your body functions.
2007-07-22 20:31:27 UTC
Do you have a sleep disorder like Sleep Apnea? Are you on a CPAP machine? Sounds like you could have sleep apnea, Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have cluster migraine headaches? Hopefully someone will have an idea on here to help you! Good luck!

Find Out if you have Cluster Migraine Headaches! You symptoms were alot like mine before being treated for them!
2007-07-22 20:28:44 UTC
You need to go see a neurologist for some preventative medicine to help PREVENT these headaches. Also be sure you are running an air purifier in your bedroom and be sure you use an all natural detergent for washing your sheets and clothes. You should buy a hypoallergenic pillow and a mattress cover. YOu would also be wise to see an allergist if you have never been tested for allergies before.
Teri M
2007-07-22 20:35:47 UTC
It could be your pillow. Have you tried a cervical pillow? If you dont have one you should try using one and sleeping on it properly. Your neck should be completely supported all the way down to your shoulders. It is also best to sleep on your back with your neck properly supported. You can sleep on your side with these pillows too, but its best on your back. Never sleep on your stomach. Very bad for your spine. Also try going to a chiropractor. I work for one and we see alot of patients with the same symptoms. And they could also recommend the type pillow you need and exercises that could help. We sell cervical pillows where I work and sometimes insurance covers the cost. Hope you get better soon!!
2007-07-22 20:30:34 UTC
Wow that's alot. I was going to recommend some medicine like Advil or something of that nature but since your actually taking prescriptions for this type of thing, then I have no idea what to tell you. That's crazy that your doctors don't even know what's going on. I wish I could help you.
2007-07-23 09:19:29 UTC
This is something I don`t know too much about. I would talk to your regular doctor and see if he could recommend a pain management doctor. They might be able to figure out why you are getting these headaches and teach you how to control them and maybe how to get rid of them. I hope this helps you.
2007-07-23 01:49:35 UTC
dehydration or sleeping too long are a couple of reasons that won't show up on any test. Hope you find out for sure what the problem is.
2007-07-22 20:29:45 UTC
Did you consider TMJ? Jaw-clenching leading to muscle spasm or joint deterioration? Good luck.
2007-07-22 20:28:47 UTC
i have a similar problem and my doctor told me it might be from dehyrdation and for me to drink more fluids before going to sleep. sorry about your headaches though.

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