2007-07-22 20:24:15 UTC
I do have COPD. I am on oxygen 24/7.
Every test has come back negative. Nothing has changed as far as medication or life style. I have researched everything I can think of to no avail. The doctors have no idea either. I go to an internist & a pulmonary doctor on a regular basis.
I even bought a new smoke/carbon monoxide detector.
ANY IDEAS??? I am getting desparate. The pain is killing me. Some times pain pills help & some times they don't. My doctor doesn't want me to get hooked on Vicodin for pain. I don't either so I don't take it. After I am out of bed it starts to subside. It takes about an hour for it to completly go away without taking any kind of pain killer.
I am posting this in respiratory category because of my COPD & oxygen.