You have some good answers above.
Didn't your mom or grandma tell you to feed a cold and starve a fever? Don't try to lose weight while you are fighting off a viral upper respiratory infection. Your body needs calories and protein to fight back.
I have always gone to soft boiled eggs and toast in this situation - plus, of course, a good chicken soup.
I agree - no milk. (I'm a retired doctor of internal medicine, and I don't know why - - but no milk always seems appropriate when I am sick like this. Perhaps I just lose my taste for it, but it does seem to leave a nasty coating in the throat.)
A good multivitamin is always useful and I like reasonable doses of Vitamin C (500 to 100 mg per day - not Linus Pauling super doses).
I like orange juice, but it is acid and can irritate a sore throat.
Sherbet goes down well for some reason and the coolness eases the sore throat.
I suggest the sugarless menthol cough drops.
' Lots of rest and whatever fluids you prefer.
You can get back to your diet and exercise program in a few days. Sorry you are sick over the holiday.